Cinematography - Reference Board

AURORA - Infections Of A Different Kind - Promo Video

Editing: handmade quality – emphasises this feeling of the cutting room and of experimentation and a general sense of something being created with its quick glitchy haphazard cuts — has a dynamism which carries it forwards.

Direction + cinematographylots of shots of the place where the album is being made – the beautiful grounds, the architecture, Aurora inhabiting the space – dreaminess to it all. Also shots outside the studio doors looking in. Is kind of elusive: lot of shots of figures disappearing out of frame – round corners / into darkness etc. ]

Shows a lot from the production / process.

Cargo In The Blood - Promo Video

Lots of close-up shots lingering on the details + textures of the works + of the beauty of the physical process of creating the works – steam from the aerosol, heat from the pan. 

Similarities to Aurora video:

  • Shots of the artist in the studio creating the work
    • shows aspects of the work in design / process (sketches / experimenting / etc)
  • Interview clips with the artist sitting down in the presence of the work (gallery/ studio)
    • talking about the process + about the work
  • Shots of the nature outside the studio
  • Shots of the artist from behind – both whilst at work, and also whilst walking – following from behind
  • Shots of books + libraries (reference material)
  • Shots of sunlight entering into the darker studio space